Trauma-Informed Care: Addressing Needs of Immigrant Children and Unaccompanied Minors - APA 2020

This presentation covers the impact of trauma on children during the different phases of migration as well as the unique needs of second-generation immigrant children. Treatment strategies and vicarious trauma will also be discussed.

Presented by:

Javier I. Rosado, Ph.D.

Susana Rivera, Ph.D.

Michelle Silva, PsyD

Natalia Falcon, PhD

Elena Reyes, PhD

Learning Objectives:

• Describe how the trauma of separation impacts a child.
• Recognize effective methods for guiding caregivers on how to talk to children and adolescents about
• Describe the potential for secondary traumatic stress when working with immigrant youth who have
experienced trauma/traumatic separation.


- Dr. Rosado is a Clinical Associate Professor at the FSU College of Medicine.
- Dr. Susana Rivera is the Program Director for the Border Traumatic Stress Response Center at Serving
Children and Adults in Need.
- Michelle Silva is an Assistant Professor at the Yale University School of Medicine.
- Dr. Falcon is a licensed clinical psychologist at FSU College of Medicine.
- Dr. Reyes is a Professor at the FSU College of Medicine with specialty in cross-cultural medicine.


•Cardoso, J.B., Brabeck, K., Stinchcomb, D., Heidbrink, L., Price, O.A., Gil-Garcia, O.F….Zayas, L.H. (2019).
Integration of unaccompanied migrant youth in the United States: a call for research. Journal of Ethnic and
Migration Studies, 45(2), 273-292.

•Cleary, S.D., Snead, R., Dietz-Chavez, D., Rivera, I., & Edberg, M. (2019). Immigrant trauma and mental
health outcomes among Latino youth. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 20(5), 1053-1059.

•Mathema, S. (2017). Keeping FamiliesTogether: Why All Americans Should Care About What Happens to
Unauthorized Immigrants. University of Southern California Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration
and Center for American Progress. Accessed from:

•Torres, S.A., Santiago, C.D., Walts, K.K., & Richards, M.H. (2018). Immigration policy, practices, and
procedures: The impact on the mental health of Mexican and Central American youth and families.
American Psychologist, 73(7), 843-854.

•Walker, J., Venta, A., & Galicia, B. (2020). Who is taking care of Central American immigrant youth?
Preliminary data on caregiving arrangements and emotional-behavioral symptoms post-migration. Child
Psychiatry & Human Development.
  • Trauma-Informed Care- Addressing the Needs of Immigrant Children and Un[...].mp4
  • Trauma-Informed Care: Addressing Needs of Immigrant Children...TEST
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