Zoom link to register for live event: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K2A2frnyQQiUlf8TCl-X0Q
Three learning objectives:
1. Identify and refute 1 or more stereotypes about American Indian and Alaska Native peoples
2. Describe historical trauma
3. Discuss how culture is used as medicine among the American Indian and Alaska Native population
Maria Christina Crouch (Deg Hit'an and Coahuiltecan Tribal Nations), PhD, is a clinical-community psychologist, Senior Behavioral Health Specialist at South East Alaska Regional Health Consortium, and an Assistant Professor Adjunct at Yale School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry. Her program of research and clinical work are at the intersection of trauma-informed care, evidence-based practice, and practice-based evidence (Indigenous approaches) to address alcohol and drug misuse, complex trauma, and social determinants of health among American Indian and Alaska Native communities.