A Model for Addressing Non-Adaptive Guilt and Shame, Moral Injury Related to COVID-19- July 17, 2020
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
A Model for Addressing Non-Adaptive Guilt and Shame, Moral Injury Related to COVID-19- July 17, 2020
Guilt and shame related to ones’ actions or inactions during a traumatic event are risk factors for subsequent problems such as posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, substance use disorders, and suicidality. Dr. Allard will review research...
Aftereffects of a Terrorist Attack: New York City in the Years After 9/11 - April 5, 2019
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Aftereffects of a Terrorist Attack: New York City in the Years After 9/11 - April 5, 2019
With a focus on the themes of space and memory, public health and public safety, trauma and conflict, and politics and social change and an interdisciplinary group of expert contributors, New York After 9/11, looks back over the seventeen years...
American Indian and Alaskan Native Peoples: Traumas, Substance Misuse, & Cultural Humility Non-Mem
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
American Indian and Alaskan Native Peoples: Traumas, Substance Misuse, & Cultural Humility Non-Mem

Zoom link to register for live event:

Three learning objectives:
1. Identify and refute 1 or more stereotypes about American Indian and Alaska Native peoples

2. Describe historical trauma


Boys, LGBTQ+ and Sex Trafficking May 7, 2021
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Boys, LGBTQ+ and Sex Trafficking May 7, 2021
Research on Boys and LGTBQ+ and Sex Trafficking is sparse and Programs for these populations are almost non-existent. In contrast, a New York Study (Curtis, Terry, Dombrowski & Khan, 2008) estimated that 50% of trafficking victims are boys and...
Comprehensive Trauma Assessments Non-Member CE
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Comprehensive Trauma Assessments Non-Member CE
This webinar will offer doctoral level participants a new method for assessing and conceptualizing trauma in emerging adults. The webinar’s case study will provide a unique perspective of the ways in which mental health providers can...
Creating Presence: A Framework for Biocratic Organizational Health (Non-members)
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Creating Presence: A Framework for Biocratic Organizational Health (Non-members)
In this presentation, Dr. Sandra Bloom, creator of the Sanctuary Model, will describe her latest work in viewing organizations as living systems – biocracies - and designing a coherent framework – Creating Presence – that enables...
Cultural Interventions Addressing Historical Trauma for Black Americans (Non-Member)
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Cultural Interventions Addressing Historical Trauma for Black Americans (Non-Member)

To participate in the live event, please also register on Zoom:

Three learning objectives:
1. Discuss the importance of cultural specificity in wellness interventions for Black...
Cyber Harassment In The Academy - Non-Member CE
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Cyber Harassment In The Academy - Non-Member CE
This webinar will provide an overview of cyber harassment among academic staff and faculty, including the forms cyber harassment may take, who perpetrates cyber harassment, the prevalence of cyber harassment, and the impact of cyber harassment on...
Disseminating and Implementing Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in a Low Resourced Communities
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Disseminating and Implementing Prolonged Exposure for PTSD in a Low Resourced Communities
This webinar will briefly introduce Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy and its application to
low-resourced settings characterized by ongoing adversity such as violence and poverty. . Discussion will also address the training and utilization of both...
Identification and Group Treatment of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)- Jan 29,2021
Division 56
Non-Member $25 CE Option
Identification and Group Treatment of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)- Jan 29,2021
Public Law 114-22 went into effect on May 29, 2017, requiring mandated reporters to report any suspected and confirmed cases of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children [CSEC] to Child Welfare Services (CWS) and/or Law Enforcement. This...

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