Division 56 → Non-Member $25 CE Option

Identification and Group Treatment of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)- Jan 29,2021

Public Law 114-22 went into effect on May 29, 2017, requiring mandated reporters to report any suspected and confirmed cases of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children [CSEC] to Child Welfare Services (CWS) and/or Law Enforcement. This requirement has made it essential to have an assessment tool for adolescents that could quickly and accurately assess suspected sexual trafficking for schools, doctors and all other mandated reporters. The CSEC-2 Scale for the identification of victims of sex trafficking for adolescents is presented along with the scale's validation studies. Additional Assessment Considerations are presented, along with the Hope Trauma Protocol. The HOPE Group Therapy program for victims of sex trafficking is then presented.

Presented by:
Dr. George F. Rhoades, Jr.
Dr. Shantae Williams

Learning Objectives:
1) Participants will identify critical elements of sex trafficking assessment.
2) Participants will identify possible "faking good" aspects of the CSEC-2 Scale.
3) Participants will identify critical elements of group therapy for CSEC victims.

Dr. Rhoades is an international author and presenter on Human Trafficking and is the Director of the HOPE Trauma Team that conducts all Trauma Assessments for possible Adolescent Sex Trafficking Victims in the State of Hawaii. Dr. Rhoades is the Developer of the CSEC-2 Identification Scale and the Senior Author of "Hope Trauma Group: Individual Exercises."Dr. Williams is a Human Trafficking Program Director. She provides individual and group therapy for trafficked survivors, conducts trauma assessments, psychosexuals, and research on a CSEC Identification scale’s effectiveness and validity. Dr. Williams provides introductory through advanced level trainings on sex trafficking, authored a treatment program for a sex trafficking specific facility, and a therapeutic CSEC mentorship program. She further created a CSEC prevention curriculum for students and educators, and facilitates CSEC prevention outreach classes. She co-authored “Hope Trauma Group: Individual Exercises”.

1. Andretta, J.R., Woodland, M.H., Watkins, K.M. & Barnes, M.E. (2016). Towards the discreet identification of commercial sexual exploitation of
children (CSEC) victims and Individualized Interventions: Science to practice. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Vol. 22, No. 3, 260-270.
2. Rhoades, G. F. Jr., Williams, Shantae & Phifer. Lisa (2019). Hope Trauma Group: Individual Exercises.
Pearl City: L.L. Maxwell Publications.
3. U.S. Congress (2015). Public Law 114–22 114th Congress, May 29. https://www.congress.gov/114/plaws/publ22/PLAW-114publ22.pdf
4. Middleton, J.S., Gattis, M.N., Frey, L.M. & Roe-Sepowitz, D. (2018) Youth Experiences Survey (YES): Exploring the scope and complexity of sex
trafficking in a sample of youth experiencing homelessness, Journal of Social Service Research, 44:2, 141-157, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1428924
5. Hartinger-Saunders, R.M., Trouteaud, A.R. & Johsnon, J.M. (2017). Mandated reporters’ perceptions of and encounters with domestic minor sex trafficking of adolescent
females in the United States. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 87, No. 3, 195-205.
  • January 2021 Webinar Recording
  • January 29 Webinar Test
  • Division 56 Survey
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  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever